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Pandawa 5 Kesatria Tangguh dalam kisah pewayangan Pandawa Pandawa adalah sebuah kata dari bahasa Sanskerta (Dewanagari पाण्डव Pāṇḍava) yang secara harfiah berarti anak Pandu (Dewanagari पाण्डु IAST Pāṇḍu) yaitu salah satu Raja Hastinapura dalam wiracarita Mahabharata Dengan demikian maka Pandawa merupakan putra mahkota kerajaan.
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OverviewOther featuresGuidesThey are a race of humanoid pandas What do Pandawas like best? Lifting their pint to the gods with one hand and their friends and enemies in the air with the other (Usually not at the same time depending on how many pints they’ve had) They are excellent fighters and real masters in the art of the righthook (facetoface) They’re not too bad with an axe either What most people Text under.
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Pandawa Charcoal
Jul 3 2021 at 551 PM pandawa Hello guys! Happy July to all! I hope you are are doing well! For this month’s set I decided to try and stay with a bit of a japandi style which I am reallyyy into lately I think it will also compliment my previous set benoa The p a n d a w a s e t has 23 new meshes & every item is pictured above You will also find plenty of swatches for.