Advanced Warfare Combat Readiness Program. STA21 enlistedtoofficer commissioning program Seaman to Admiral for young Sailors to earn their commission and become naval officers navy education training warfighter development Seaman The Naval Education and Training Command recruits and trains those who serve our nation taking them from streettofleet by transforming civilians into highly skilled.

Advanced training in computer network operations using stateoftheart technology is readily available Within a short period today’s CTN quickly develops highly marketable computer network skills A combination of technical and analytical computer network skills provides solutions to produce Cyber capabilities and nonkinetic effects in support of operational.
Marine Combat Training Battalion
TIO program billets require duty in arduous and combat environments Duty is frequently isolated and independent and involves deployment with NAVSPECWARCOM personnel They are highly trained and equipped to provide a wide variety of tactical cryptologic support to Naval Special Warfare The following ratings are currently eligible for assignment CTI/CTM/CTN/CTR/CTT.
201009 N Ph222 1342 El Centro Ca Oct 09 2020 A Mh 60s Knighthawk Helicopter Assigned To The Black Knights Of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron Hsc 4 Practice Personnel Recovery During Helicopter Advanced Readiness Program Harp
Information Warfare United States Navy
CTN United States Navy
Seaman to Admiral21 Program Home Page
Marine Combat Training is a four week evolution at Camp Pendleton Calif and Camp Geiger NC where Marines with noncombat military occupational specialties are trained in basic infantry skills after graduating Recruit Training Topics include rifle and medium machine gun marksmanship physical conditioning and other basic infantry skills (US Marine Video by Sgt.