Andhra Pradesh Population. AndhraPradesh state population is 49386799 with a density of 308 sq km as per 2011 Census Census YearPersonsAbsolutePercentageMales1981535510261004831823127109616199166508008129569822423372458120017621000797019991459385274132011845807778370770109842442146.
Andhra Pradesh Population 2020 2021 from World Population
Population Census (Cf) 19910301 Population Census (Cf) 20010301 Population Census (Cf) 20110301 Population Projection (P) 20200701 India IND Rep New Delhi 3166620 846387888 1028737436 1210854977 1371360400 AndhraPradesh AND St Amaravati / Visākhapatnam 162970 40419034 45397069 49577103 53903400 16297000 → NameStatusPopulation Census (cf) 19910301Population Census (cf) 20010301City6253668397Town2149030973CityOG121314142064Bhīmunipatnam [ Bheemunipatnam]Aggl4206148664.
Andhra Pradesh Wikipedia
Andhra Pradesh borders Tamil Nadu to its north Karnataka to its east Telangana to its southeast and Odisha to its south Andhra Pradesh has a population of 54 million people making it the tenthmost populated state in India It is the seventhlargest state by area covering 160205 square kilometers.
Andhra Pradesh Population 2022
Estimated populationof AndhraPradesh in 2021 91702478 Estimated population of males in % of Male' Population 5018%Male Population 42438925Female Population 42141852Population 84580777.
Andhra Pradesh Population 2020 2021
Andhra Pradesh Population 2021
Andhra Pradesh (India): City Population State, Major
Andhra Pradesh Population 2021/2022
Andhra Pradesh (English / ˌ ɑː n d r ə p r ə ˈ d ɛ ʃ / Telugu [ãːndʱrʌ prʌdeːɕ] listen (help info)) is a state in the southeastern coastal region of India It is the seventhlargest state by area covering an area of 162975 km 2 (62925 sq mi) and tenthmost populous state with 49386799 inhabitants with the state capital being Amaravati Capital Formation Country Largest city.