As Usual Or Like Usual. As far as the practice is concerned I can only say practice as usual We’re not practicing to make things happen in the mind such as equanimity or to make things go away such as fear or uncertainty Rather we practice in order to observe things as they are happening.

It’s an election year so yeah this is politics as usual Here’s the Simple TruthLIKE SHARE COMMENT TWEET SUBSCRIBE!Support This Channel Herehttps.
What Does Business as Usual (BAU) Actually Mean?
“Like” means similar to so “like usual” doesn’t make much sense it signifies that she “kissed him goodbye similar to usual” But the sentence wants “to indicate by comparison the way that something happens or is done” ( New Oxford American Dictionary ).
The boreal of Minnesota could look like Kansas if CO2
“As per usual” is a bit more specific in defining you want something done according to an accepted routine or pattern “As usual” could mean something more general “As usual” the crowd boos the umpire “The manager wants the batting order as per usual” means he wants the same expected lineup of batters “Per” indicates action often.
Politics As Usual YouTube
If something happens as usual it happens in the way that it normally does especially when other things have changed When somebody died everything went on as usual as if it had never happened With medication life at home goes on as usual See full dictionary entry for usual COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.
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differences “Like” versus “as” English Language
usual”? What is another word for “as
usual? A paradigm shift? Or business as
As usual definition and meaning Collins English Dictionary
Like always/as always/as usual WordReference Forums
Business As Usual – Climate Scepticism
As usual or Like usual? TextRanch
Dope As Usual Podcast YouTube
like usual French translation – Linguee
Mean And How To Use It As Per Usual (What Does It Correctly)
meaning “as usual” vs. “as normal” English Language
As is usually the case In a consistent manner Adverb As is usually the case as always as per usual generally typically usually ordinarily normally regularly commonly habitually conventionally customarily routinely frequently naturally as a rule consistently often mainly mostly on the whole as is usual by and large more often than not.