Dorsal Brain. PDF fileHippocampal gyrus so named because the hippocampus lies dorsal to it In the middle of the brain you will find the Mammilary Bodies which are part of the limbic system and play a role in memory Also find the Rhinal Fissure which defines one boundary of the limbic system Optic Nerve Uncus Mammillary Bodies Hippocampal Gurys Rhinal Fissure Sheep Brain Dissection.
Thalamic Nuclei Connections Functions And Anatomy Kenhub from Thalamic nuclei: Connections, functions …
The dorsal ramus of spinal nerve (or posterior ramus of spinal nerve or posterior primary division) [citation needed] is the posterior division of a spinal nerve The dorsal ramus (Latin for branch plural rami) is the dorsal branch of a spinal nerve that forms from the dorsal root of the nerve after it emerges from the spinal cordThe spinal nerve is formed from the dorsal and.
Dorsal ramus of spinal nerve Wikipedia
Thalamic Nuclei Connections Functions And Anatomy Kenhub