Handler Dispatch Failed Nested Exception Is Java Lang Stackoverflowerror. Hello I found an error when using springcloudstarteroauth2 When applying for token I found that Handling error NestedServletException Handler dispatch failed nested exception is javalangStackOverflowError Version springcloudversion GreenwichRELEASE springbootversion 214RELEASE springsecurityoauth2autoconfigureversion 212RELEASE.
Handler Dispatch Failed Nested Exception Is Java Lang Stackoverflowerror Problem Solving Programmer Sought from programmersought.com
@Bean @Override public AuthenticationManager authenticationManagerBean() throws Exception { return superauthenticationManagerBean() } Retest after modification and return the correct result If you encounter any problems during browsing please leave me a message in the comment area below.
Spring security oauth2 java config handler failed; The
Solution for Handler dispatch failed nested exception is javalangStackOverflowError with root cause is Given Below.
Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in
Servletservice () for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [Handler dispatch failed nested exception is javalangStackOverflowError] with root cause javalangStackOverflowError #23683 Closed wuqifu opened this issue on Oct 13 2020 2 comments wuqifu commented on Oct 13 2020.
A week after the project started an restapi was accessed and reported the error and for weeks orgspringframeworkwebutilNestedServletException Handler dispatch failed nested exception is javalangStackOverflowError.
Handler Dispatch Failed Nested Exception Is Java Lang Stackoverflowerror Problem Solving Programmer Sought