Jad K. The Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Data Mining (JAIDM) is an international scientific journal that aims to develop the international exchange of scientific and technical information in all areas of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining All manuscripts with significant research results in the scope of the journal are welcome if they are not published or not being considered for.
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Background There is a need for highquality research regarding exercise interventions for persons with anxiety disorders We investigate whether a 12week exercise intervention with different intensities could reduce anxiety.
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Chinese jade refers to the jade mined or carved in China from the Neolithic onward It is the primary hardstone of Chinese sculptureAlthough deep and bright green jadeite is better known in Europe for most of China’s history jade has come in a variety of colors and white “muttonfat” nephrite was the most highly praised and prized Native sources in Henan and along the.
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Effects of exercise on symptoms of anxiety in primary care
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