Kampot To Siem Reap Bus. The overland distance from Kampot to Siem Reap is 248 miles (399 km) The flying distance is 191 miles (307 km) How long does it take to get from Kampot to Siem Reap? The travel time from Kampot to Siem Reap takes approximately 8 hours How much does it cost to get from Kampot to Siem Reap?.
Look no further than Phnom Penh Sorya transportation if you need a bus trip to Vietnam or Ho Chi Minh Siem Reap Battambang Poipet Banteay Mean Chey and many more for safe reliable and very cheap fareBook Now!.
Giant Ibis Bus to Siem Reap, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh
Going from Siem Reap to Kampot by bus is possible with Camboticket and will take you to across Cambodia’s beautiful countryside and city As you can see on Camboticketcom several companies such as Olongpich Transport Phnom Penh Sorya Virak Buntham are going from Siem Reap to Kampot.
Siem Reap → Kampot Bus: from $18 Olongpich Transport
Kampot to Siem Reap Buses With Busbud comparing and booking tickets for a bus from Kampot to Siem Reap is a breeze Browse through an extensive selection of bus fares and bus schedules to find the best deals We make it our job to connect you with the most dependable bus companies that cover bus service from Kampot to Siem Reap.
Buses from Kampot to Siem Reap from THB 440 12go.co
3 rowsCheck Available Bus Tickets Alternative Kampot to Siem Reap by Bus via Phnom Penh Route TRANSPORT MODE DURATION COSTS AVAILABILITY Bus 11 hours $18 Check bus tickets Taxi 9 hours $125 Reserve a taxi Flight 3 hours $73 Check flights.
7 Days Cambodia From Siem Reap To Phnom Penh Kampot Koh Rong 2021
Siem Reap to Kampot 4 ways to travel via train, bus, and car
Reap to Kampot [UPDATED] How To Get From Siem
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Kampot to Siem Reap 12Go Asia: Book Trains, Buses
Bus Kampot Siem Reap Find the Cheapest Buses …
Kampot Siem Reap Bus: Find Cheap tickets CheckMyBus
Kampot to Siem Reap 6 ways to travel via train, bus
Camboticket a Getting from Siem Reap to Kampot or Kep on
Siem Reap to Kampot Book bus tickets with BookMeBus
Buses from Kampot to Siem Reap from THB 6,950
Kampot to Siem Reap Book bus tickets with BookMeBus
to Siem Reap Get From Kampot [UPDATED] How To
Review: Champa Mekong bus, Kep to Kampot to Phnom Penh
A To get from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap you can either take a bus a private taxi a flight or a ferry If you’re looking for a bit of comfort during your trip and an affordable price then a private taxi is your best option The journey will take approximately 5.