Kedondong. KEDONDONG (Spondias cytherea) adalah sejenis buahbuahan tropika dari keluarga Anacardiaceae yang ditanam di negara kita kebanyakannya untuk dimakan segar atau di proses buat jeruk Buah kedondong dipercayai natif di kawasan Asia Tenggara dan juga Asia Selatan dan ditanam menggunakan bahan tanaman daripada biji keratan tut atau daripada benih cantuman.
Going To The Kitchen Holiday Making Fresh Kedondong Sweets Take A Peek At 3 Recipes Netral News from Netral.News
The Kedondong grows on trees which can grow as high as 60 feet though outside of its native range it typically only grows to 30 or 40 feet The fruits hang from tree limbs in bunches of twelve or more and fall to the ground while still unripe Nutritional Value One Kedondong has an average of 57 calories and a whopping 85% of the vitamin C needed in a 2000 calorie diet Applications.
Flora Exotica Exotic Fruits
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Kedondong, Tulangan, Sidoarjo Wikiwand
Kedondong adalah buah yang berasal dari wilayah Asia Selatan dan Asia Tenggara Buah yang juga disebut dengan ambarella ini memiliki bentuk oval dengan diameter kurang lebih 5 cm Buah kedondong memiliki daging berserat yang renyah dan terdapat biji tunggal yang berserabut Selain lezat dan menyegarkan beragam nutrisi yang terkandung dalam kedondong.
kedondong photos on Flickr Flickr
Kedondong is one of the lesserknown timber species found in Asia This wood is typically used for boxes and crates as well as interior joineries paneling and furniture components Given the rarity of this timber finding the right kedondong wood suppliers Malaysia contractors know and trust TSM is a leading wood supplier in Malaysia that provides a wide range of timber products.
Going To The Kitchen Holiday Making Fresh Kedondong Sweets Take A Peek At 3 Recipes Netral News
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Kedondong: Manfaat – Efek Samping dan Tips Konsumsi IDN
9 Manfaat Buah Kedondong, Bisa Mencegah Penuaan Dini! Community News & Information for Indians
Hotels in Kampung Book The Best (FREE Kedondong for 2021
10 Manfaat Kedondong untuk Kesehatan Tubuh
Amberella Java plum Great hog plum Otaheite apple marapa acaiba mopé kedondong kook hvan hevi makokfarang cajamanga jobo de Indio (Trái Cóc) Spondias dulcis Spondias cytherea Zone 9 A relative of Mango this exotic fruit is hard to find Dwarf variety bears fruit easily in containers Green fruits have crisp flesh and aromatic juice a favorite in pickles Ripe.