Lele In English. lele translation in ZuluEnglish dictionary en And there came a multitude and to their astonishment they beheld the king and the queen and their servants prostrate upon the earth and they all lay there as though they were dead and they also saw Ammon and behold he was a Nephite.
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Check 'lele' translations into English Look through examples of lele translation in sentences listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
lele in English SamoanEnglish Dictionary Glosbe
Check 'lele' translations into English Look through examples of lele translation in sentences listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
lele in English ZuluEnglish Dictionary Glosbe
Need the translation of “Lele” in English but even don't know the meaning? Use Translatecom to cover it all.
lele translation in English SpanishEnglish dictionary
lele * adj smf (LAm) → lelo Translation Spanish English Collins Dictionary See also leíble lelo le leal “ lele ” examples and translations in context Su cuerpo está decorado con una máscara en relieve que le define como lele ya que los ngeende del grupo kuba producen un tambor similar sin máscara.
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