Mark Hetfield. But for Mark Hetfield the 49yearold president of HIAS (formerly the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) stemming that tide was a matter of personal importance and professional pride.
Hias Officials Speak At Ucirf Hearing On Vimeo from Vimeo
Mark Hetfield Most of the Afghans who were airlifted to the United States arrived with nothing but the clothes on their backs Many arrived without so much as a suitcase Is Accessible For Free false.
Mark Hetfield Named President & CEO of HIAS HIAS
Hetfield received a bachelor’s and a law degree from Georgetown University and worked as an immigration lawyer at Fulbright and Jaworski.
HIAS CEO Mark Hetfield: Refugees Are A Blessing To This Country
Mark Hetfield was appointed President and CEO of HIAS after a 25year career much of it served at HIAS most recently as the agency’s senior vice president of policy and programs An expert in refugee and immigration law policy and programs Mark has led HIAS’ transformation from an organization focused on Jewish immigrants to a global agency assisting refugees of all faiths and ethnicities.
Mark Hetfield – The Forward
President and CEO of HIAS Mark Hetfield discusses the future of the Afghan refugee crisis and the role the Biden administration should be playing Video Duration 7 min.
Hias Officials Speak At Ucirf Hearing On Vimeo
Mark Hetfield HuffPost
Mark Hetfield: Refugees should not be 'an afterthought in U.S
Mark Hetfield, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society – Salary Survey
Mark Hetfield HIAS
Mark Hetfield began his career as a Russianspeaking caseworker with HIAS in Rome He has served HIAS in six positions over four nonconsecutive periods in three cities During his time at HIAS he rose from case worker through a series of promotions to Senior Vice President for Programs & Policy On June 1 2012 he was named Interim President & CEO.