Oleum Cajuputi. Tinh dầu hạt Tinh dầu hạt Vông vang còn được gọi là tinh dầu hạt xạ Oleum Abelmoschi Seminis tên thương phẩm là Ambrette Seed oil Tinh dầu được điều chế bằng phương pháp cất kéo hơi nước hoặc chiết xuất với dung môi Hàm lượng tinh dầu trong hạt là 02 06%.

Qoo10 Bringing The Best To You oleum cajuputi
Qoo10 Bringing The Best To You from qoo10.sg

Teebaumöl ist ein ätherisches Öl aus den Blättern verschiedener Bäume und Sträucher der „Teebaum“Gattungen Baeckea Kunzea Leptospermum und Melaleuca aus der Familie der Myrtengewächse (Myrtaceae) Im 18 Jahrhundert wurde im australasiatischen Raum aus ihren Blättern Tee zubereitet Während Teebaumöl im engeren Sinn das Öl des Australischen.

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Camphor Oleum Menthae (Peppermint oil) Menthol Oleum Cajuputi (Cajuput oil) Oleum Cinnamomi (Cinnamon Oil) Ocimum Gratissimum (Clove Basil) Do you ship to my country? Yes we do Worldwide free shipping to any country Also a tracking number will be sent to you once the order has been dispatched You want to buy more? No problem just send us an email via.

Qoo10 Bringing The Best To You

Teebaumöl – Wikipedia

Wikipedia Cajeput oil


Cajuput oil is a volatile oil obtained by distillation from the leaves of the myrtaceous trees Melaleuca leucadendra Melaleuca cajuputi and probably other Melaleuca species The trees yielding the oil are found throughout Maritime Southeast Asia and over the hotter parts of the Australian continent The majority of the oil is produced on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.