Show Jumping Tips. Desperately want to start show jumping but don’t know were to start? Well in the beginning you don’t need to know all the technical details of how to release the rein count stride distances or the difference between a good or bad bascule What you do need is a horse with some jumping ability and a rider with some courage Browse Through Our Latest Show Jumping Tips & Advice.

To shoot a show jumping round we would often select 34 main fences usually oxers and one upright and we always have a backup fence to photograph this ensures if one of your main fences gets knocked horse cat leaps over the fence or doesn't jump nicely you've got your back up fence to use so that competitors have the same amount of photos as everyone else.
Work on the position If you are already a show jumping rider you must know the importance of the correct jumping position A good jumping position brings more than success in a competition Rhythm in Canter A balanced canter is the key point of show jumping The jumps in the arena are not in the same distance you need to canter more or less faster or slower jump higher or lower longer or shorter in each different course Flatwork and Polework! Flatwork is an important exercise for show jumpers A wellspent flatwork time can help you and the horse in many ways and make your horse more supple stronger and easier to ride How to walk the course Walking the course and making a correct plan in your mind is the biggest step to clear that course You have to make sure that your riding plan is suited to your horse.
Show Jumping Tips & Advice Local Riding
1 Flatwork flatwork flatwork The best showjumpers in the world use a lot of time doing flatwork on their horses Even if you don't specifically do dressage simple flatwork such as transitions and leg yields can make your horse a lot more supple stronger and easier to ride 2.
Improve Your Jumping Position With These Four Steps
Top 7 showjumping tips to make you a better rider Ophena
25 Tips to Take Your Show Jumping from Average to Awesome
Photographing Show Jumping Tips & Tricks
Practice over ground poles Ground poles can be used to allow riders to help develop their ability to see distances to fences You can set them up similarly to how you would any gymnastic grid or jump course and practice adding and taking strides out as well as developing better straightness and rhythm Don’t underestimate the importance of dressage Many riders find flatwork boring This is an indication that you need to spice up your understanding of what is involved in a flat work ride as there are about a million different things you can work on! Utilize gymnastic exercises Gymnastic grids allow for both you and your horse to develop your accuracy form and overall fitness over fences The set number of strides between each aspect of the grid allows for the rider to develop their eye through an exercise that makes distances much more rideable Work on strengthening your leg A stable leg over fences can be hard to achieve and even frustrating when the rider tries their best but can’t seem to anchor their leg where they’d like it to be.