Sirus Bsps. OverviewRecommendationsLoreSirus Awakener of Worlds Level(s) 8184 Location(s) Eye of the Storm Quest(s) The Awakener of Worlds Health 70 043 351 Damage 36472 Resistance(s) 50% Fire 50% Cold 50% Lightning 30% Chaos Modifier(s) 66% Less Curse Effectiveness Cannot Be Fully Slowed Immune To Knockback This page is about the boss For the quest see The Awakener of Worlds Sirus Awakener of Worlds is the main antagonist of the Conquerors of the Atlas expansion He acts as the final boss of the Atlas of Worlds and the leade The following is recommended At least 1 million damage per second (rolling over your main attack ability should show 100K+ because Path of Exile ingame tooltip cannot display DPS properly) Capped elemental resistances (fire cold and lightning resistance at 75%) At least 0% Chaos resistance (not required but recommended) Any Jewel with the implicit mod Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you At least 5000 Effective hit points (Life pool) At least 20% block or evade chance or Mana before See also Sirus' Journals Sirus during the battle A fellow exile? One more fool under Zana's sway Allow me to destroy you before she has a chance to betray you too At least my way will be quick There is nothing left for me here For a few brief days destroying something real may make me feel alive again You slew my friends You brought ruin to my worlds You have invaded my very sanctum I should be furious and yet I feel nothing You want the Atlas? Take it It's yours But Oriath?.

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