Sortali Pengantin Batak. There are three types of Batak kebayas they are Batak Toba kebaya Batak Karo kebaya and Batak Mandailing kebaya Batak kebaya usually wore as wedding dress or as formal dress combined with traditional ulos cloth put around the shoulder songket skirt sortali head band of Batak Toba traditional Karo head dress or bulang golden crown of Mandailing style.

Thailand Makeup Looks In Adat Batak Toba Sortali By Hana Gloria Mua Bridestory Com sortali pengantin batak
Thailand Makeup Looks In Adat Batak Toba Sortali By Hana Gloria Mua Bridestory Com from Bridestory


Kebaya Wikipedia


Thailand Makeup Looks In Adat Batak Toba Sortali By Hana Gloria Mua Bridestory Com
